Here is a message from the Henderson County GOP about their debate with links to the video:
The debate this morning was fantastic with over 300 people in attendance. The partnership of the party and the Men's Club made the work easier and the media folks from the Times-News, Tribune, WHKP, and WLOS all did a very professional job. It was a win for the voters, our party and the candidates.
The Tribune did both "before and after" straw polls, the results of which will be in their issue which comes out tomorrow afternoon and Friday morning at your regular locations or at Mark White's office on White St.
If you didn't make it you can watch it on the Times-News site, where they have broken into question by question sections.
Or if you want it all from start to finish as one piece, here is the WLOS link.
The WLOS link has some glitches and you'll need to nudge the player forward now and then.