Saturday, March 1, 2008

New precinct officers and delegates!

We had a nice precinct meeting this morning. 5 Neighbors got together to nominate delegates and alternates and also a Vice Chair and Secretary for our precinct. I think the officer appointments don't become official until the Executive Committee approves them, but I am so thrilled that we have a couple of good Republican neighbors who are willing to fill those roles. Thank you to all of you who attended the meeting this morning. It was great to sit down and get to know each other a little better!

Delegates from our precinct will be able to attend and vote at the District Convention on April 26 and the State Convention June 6-8. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you are not a voting delegate.

The County Convention was a great opportunity to hear from Republicans running for local, state, and federal offices. Congratulations to Tim Johnson who is now our Buncombe County Chairman and Mark Delk who is our Member-at-Large!

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