Friday, February 22, 2008

Last Night's Congressional Debate

The 11th Congressional District Republican Debate last night was very informative and exciting. We had a very nice crowd that asked the candidates great questions. For those of you who missed it, the Asheville Citizen-Times has a very nice write-up about it today:

Local GOP candidates face off

The event was also recorded and will be aired on URTV the first week in April or you can watch it right now online:
2008 US Congressional 11th District Republican Candidates Debate 2-23-2008


Anonymous said...

The John Locke Foundation also has a write-up on the debate:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lady "D" for being at the event as well as letting others know how it went.


Will be on URTV the 1st week in April 2008.

Diana said...

Thank you, RB! Whenever you have the date/time nailed down for the URTV broadcast, I will be sure to post it.

Thank you for the additional link, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...


Here is the link to watch the full debate from the YMI Center laset week.

Will also have the video of Senator Dole's visit last Saturday later next week.

Thank you for all your work in your district, which im sure is an up hill battle at times.


Diana said...

Thank you for the link, Richard! And for making this video!

Bobby Coggins said...

You can watch the opening ceremonies and Senator Dole's Speech here. I should have the rest up by the end of the weekend.